

At least it feels like a heatwave..it's ABOVE zero right now! Last night at this time it was about thirty below zero (with the windchill) right now it's three degrees and it's supposed to get up to 27 this weekend!!! Anyways, we survived the storm last night! I woke up this morning expecting to have to dig out of our house, however, I think we got about an inch of snow it was just blowing all over the place! When we finally got the four foot high drift out of the end of our driveway, I ventured out. I was quite surprised at the amount of cars in the ditch - my roundtrip to/from Osage I only saw four vehicles in the ditch! I know that there were a few more because you could see were some had been pulled out already. Anyways, this first picture is of our mile drive yesterday. We had a friend call who went in the ditch and asked if we could help her out..we went a mile and had to turn around because we couldn't see a couple feet in front of the truck - luckily her neighbor came by and drove her home.
Now that I look at these following pictures, it's all kind of a mess...the two on the right are without any drawings (obviously) but only because after I saved the one on the left, it wasn't as easy to tell what was going on. You have to click on them to get them bigger but the ones on the left, I circled the No Passing Zone sign on the left (top and bottom) the Semi in the middle (top and bottom picture) the yard light (top and bottom) and the street sign (top and bottom) I guess what I was trying to get at here was how hard it was to see...??? I"m not really sure, I messed with the pictures this morning and forgot what I was trying to do.

This picture on the bottom is just a closer look at the semi. I was a little upset that I didn't get to see them pulling it out of the ditch - I went to my moms house and I was about 30 seconds too late - they were pulling it off to the side of the road when I went by...It took two tow - trucks to pull it out...after he was out of the ditch, he continued on his way..what a trooper!

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Do you like the filter that I used on the last picture of Brooke, Dylan & Chelsea?