
I apologize...

I am skipping ahead a couple weeks to this morning...yes, I have other posts I will be putting up from the last few weeks, but I don't feel like doing that just yet. The only thing I love more then waking up to a fresh blanket of frost is taking pictures of it. Quick note: After my initial disgust with the huge spider web on the side of our house - I thought it was pretty cool all frosted over, however, my favorite picture out of the ones I took today is either the Christmas wreath with the lights on it or the leaf.

Next, I have a little story about my cats....WARNING: If you have a weak stomach do not read the following paragraph.
I assume that those of you that are still reading this have read and understand my warning. Four (ish) weeks ago, (the night before deer season) I was sitting in bed watching t.v. and I heard a HUGE bang outside - Tom thought it was a poacher out early "getting the big buck" but I assumed it was a car hitting a deer...so, both of us in our pajamas get a flashlight and jump in the truck and drive about a quarter of a mile down the road and find nothing so turn around...we are turning back in our driveway when I notice a deer (a doe - not the big buck that Tom was going to get hunting the next day) in the ditch right by our driveway...well of course the next day is opening day so we (Tom) are too busy to move the deer so it stays there through the snow and ice storm until this week when it finally starts to thaw a little bit. I notice our cats are not as hungry as they usually are in fact they are no where to be found when I go out to feed them in the morning...So I am on my way home from work and as I am pulling into our driveway I sort of glance towards the deer and there is a big hole in the stomach - gross but not too bad, you kind of expect that other animals are going to start eating it....however, I did not expect to see three of our cats walk OUT of the hole in the stomach of the deer. Now that's gross!

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Do you like the filter that I used on the last picture of Brooke, Dylan & Chelsea?