
I finally caught it on camera!

When Molly was about 11 - 12 months, she would ALWAYS make this face when someone would smile at her or talk to her and I NEVER got it on camera...she would scowl and then laugh, so I always got the laugh on camera - which of course wasn't all bad. Recently when taking a picture of her, my camera couldn't focus, so it falshed like five times. She's not really mad/glaring at me..she's squinting because of the flashes. I've had a couple comments about it..."you have such good pictures of her smiling, why would you want to display the one where she's glaring at you?" My answer to this is because as smiley and happy as she is...this is completely her...and of course a little bit of her dad. I think it's absolutely adorable!


sugarcreekfarm said...

That is definitely the look! So cute.

Brian G. Heyer said...

My wife's family has a treasured pic of my wife making such expressions when she was 6-8 or so. We call it the "poo-poo" face.

Do you like the filter that I used on the last picture of Brooke, Dylan & Chelsea?